JWC is a member of the Indiana State Wrestling Association (ISWA).

  We participate in the Rival Wrestling League.  

Our club is located in Monroe, Indiana.  

Check out our high school team website to stay up to date with their season.  http://acwrestling.synthasite.com/

2024-25 Club Sign ups 

November 16th during the elementary camp and November 19th from 3:30-5:30pm at The Table  

in downtown Monroe (2 doors down from Shaka Shack). 

Adams Central Elementary Team

JWC sponsors an elementary team from Adams Central Community Schools.  The elementary team consists of boys in kindergarten through 6th grade.  Wrestling is a great sport that has been around for ages. There are many benefits that come from wrestling, and many great leaders come from a wrestling background. JWC has one rule only and that is to DO YOUR BEST AND HAVE FUN.  

 Why Your Child Should Try Wrestling

Wrestling is a sport that does not discriminate.  In most sports only certain body types will succeed but in wrestling as long as one has determination he or she can wrestle.  Weight classes assure fairness among wrestlers so no-one is ever too big or too little to participate.  Wrestling is character building.  It teaches self confidence, discipline, mental toughness, sportsmanship and competitiveness. These are all life lessons that can be used outside of sports.  There have been many influential people in our country that attribute the sport of wrestling for their leadership skills.  We at JWC are not only preparing your child for a successful career in wrestling.  We are also preparing your child for life. 

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